Capture and control your documents

Looking to save time? Do it automatically!

Whether you want to process a scan or a file in digital format, our solutions make your business’s documents available on schedule and more quickly.

It all starts with the capture …

Benefit from more convenient scanning as your files are processed, the text is recognized through the built in OCR technology, and the document is stored on the right location in searchable PDF format – all this and much more done automatically.

The files virtually store themselves.

Process-oriented scanning gives you standardised access and ensures the documents make it to their destination exactly as needed for the task at hand. Whether by email, fax, or via a server or an archiving solution, the choice is yours.


NSi AutoStore

AutoStore captures and processes your files, and then sends them to the right people. And while it’s doing all this, processes can even be automated for the devices involved. This forward-looking tool can index, convert and archive your documents regardless of whether they’ve been scanned or are already in electronic format. With its seamless integration into any document management system, AutoStore is a product that can boost your business.


SmartFax offers you an efficient way of sending a fax from a device without using a separate fax system or card. This straightforward KYOCERA HyPAS solution uses our own Cloud Smartfax server, which means data is exchanged via email according to your company’s unique settings. The user simply enters the fax number on the device’s display or looks it up via LDAP … and the fax is ready to be sent.